Shining Together, We Reach for the Stars.
Class 1 have had a great start to the term. All the children have settled into their new routines really well and have been exploring the exciting areas of our classroom. Have a look at the pictures below to see our first few days in Class 1.
We have an exciting term ahead where the children will be learning and exploring in a range of different ways. We are starting the year off by being Geographers during our mini topic. The children will learn all about the continents and the oceans around the world.
We are then moving onto being Historians and our topic is: 'Bromesberrow Then and Now'. We will be looking into the differences and similarities between school for the children now and comparing this to the Victorian times. We will have lots of opportunities to have hand on experiences for the children.
As writers this term, we will be looking at the book ‘The Rainbow Fish' . As a class, we will be immersing ourselves into the text by acting out different scenes, describing the characters and creating our own versions of the story.
In Science we are becoming scientists with our topic 'Marvellous Materials'. We will be exploring a range of different experiments to test what materials are waterproof. We will be doing this by making a range of different boats.
Miss Oakes and Mrs Meek